Tuesday 31 May 2016


On Sunday we returned from our very brief trip to Slovakia, where we celebrated Andrew's 70th Birthday. We arrived on Friday (it was a short trip as Bluet had to be back at kindergarten yesterday). Immediately Ilona remembered how much she liked Andrew, and had him carry her around the rest of the day. We meanwhile got to catch up with some friends and relations - and of course Bluet and Ilona were delighted to see their cousins Della* and Gus, accompanying parents and, of course, Uncle Nick. We proceeded to eat a lot of delicious food.

*Ilona seemed to think the main point of the trip was to see Della

Bored at the airport waiting to head to Slovakia

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The more unsafe something is, the more it appeals
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Wildlife 1
Wildlife 2

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On Saturday it was the party for real. More people turned up - mainly friends of my parents from back in the day, including people I hadn't seen since we moved from Cambridge to Aberdeen back in the 80s. It brought back memories of Sunday lunches with other kids who are also now grown up.

Meanwhile for the kids there was a range of activities that was almost as good as Alton Towers:

A death slide:
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A swing (and Uncle Nick)

Arts and crafts (and Uncle Nick)

And a hammock with room for 3

Painting your own face
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We then went out for dinner at the only local bar - fortunately this a) started at 4PM and b) had a garden with climbing frame, so the kids were able to enjoy it too.


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Thursday 26 May 2016

A couple of nice photos.....

This weekend we are off to Slovakia to celebrate Andrew's birthday, so I am sure that there will be much fun had with various relations. Photos to follow, of course. In the meantime, here are a couple of nice pictures from last weekend


Thursday 12 May 2016

Chalk drawing


The other day when I came home from work, we went down to the road in front of our house and did some chalk drawings and colouring.

Today it rained and all washed away

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Ilona drew a picture of herself by herself


And finally here is one Bluet drew inside with crayons

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Saturday 7 May 2016


These days Ilona often puts on her own clothes, and changes them several times a day

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Today she even waited until the shorts in this picture were dry, so that she could wear exactly what she wanted. She is also very proud to have a plaster on each knee; I think one has lots of hello kitties on it
