Friday 29 March 2019

Fun things Wilder does

Wilder these days is getting pretty entertaining. Here are some of the fun things he does. Also we just this week transferred him from crib to real bed, so he really is growing up.

Hobby #1, running around with any large stick shaped thing, the longer and more unweildy, the better

Asking to eat by saying 'Eat, eat', then eating all his food, especially if it is raspberries

Hobby #2 - swinging

He is also starting to really like his sisters, especially Ilona as her name ('Nona') is easier to say than Bluet's. He points and says 'Nona' a lot. Here he briefly joined them to watch TV.

Outside. Wilder likes outside. If he wants to go outside he says 'outside' while handing you either his jacket or your shoes, like a dog. He is a big fan of the moon ('moom').

While eating he also likes to try and feed some to you, unless it is raspberries, which he will not share


When you say 'bath' Wilder runs upstairs to his bath. While in the bath if you say 'bum' he will squirt soap on the floor then stand up and pat his bottom to wash it. We then get him out when he starts splashing.

Any other adult sized tools are of great interest.

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