Friday 19 July 2019

Return from Hawaii

So here we are back from our epic trip (Missouri then California then Kau'ai in Hawaii, then Honolulu in Hawaii, then a 10h flight home). We got back Tuesday and are more or less recovered - the top picture is Wilder eating dinner Tuesday night at the normal time. More will follow, but in the meantime, on the day we were in Honolulu after a week on Kau'ai, Wilder was talking about all the things he remembered from the trip. The highlights for him were:

1) 'bibi cryin' (his cousin Thad is a baby and did some (not an exceptional amount) of crying
2) 'Oatmeal' (instant oatmeal (porridge) was available for breakfast)
3) 'More slide' (we went to a swimming pool where there was a water slide which we took Wilder down many times til we could take it no more and had to leave. Wilder would've done it all day. And night.
4) 'Happ B'day Wilder' It was Wilder's Birthday while we were away, and he got cake. He also loves the happy birthday song.

Honolulu on the final day

'Mama Buppy'

Back home playing together quietly and happily

Ilona demanded I take this photo

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