Thursday 18 February 2021

Niagara Falls

If we go to any state other than NY, NJ or Rhode Island our kids have to take 2 weeks off of school or have a negative COVID test. However, we can drive 6 1/2 miles North to Niagara Falls with no consequences, so that's what we did this weekend. Bluet has been wanting to go for ages, and the girls had a long weekend off school, so it was the perfect opportunity. And although it was very cold, there was little complaining - we even got the kids to walk the mile from our hotel to the falls (well, Wilder rode on my shoulders). It was pretty spectacular as you can see, especially when we got down below the falls in the 'Cave of the Wind), where all the rocks were covered in alien-looking ice. And there was a rainbow in the mist. Pretty weird looking and spectacular. Unfortunately we did not get to go to Canada (that would count as leaving NY/NJ/CT/RI, and we're pretty sure the border is closed), but we could see it just the other side of the Niagara River.

Down in the Cave of the Wind (it's not really a cave anymore)

Canada in the distance

Tesla statue

Canada again

everyone in front of Canada


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