Friday 5 August 2011

3,000 Hits, and, Grabbing Stuff

Ah, I see we have reached 3,000 hits, and I may have (rashly) promised some pictures from a recently discovered treasure trove. Well, they are coming, hopefully over the weekend, when Bluet is asleep.

In the meantime, some development updates.

This week, the laughing has continued (although we keep needing new jokes; now, a fake laugh or some heavy breathing makes her laugh). Also (top tip) blowing raspberries on her tummy is hilarious for both Dad and baby. Talking of tummies, it seems all the food she has been consuming the last few weeks is being converted to making her long rather than wide, which is a relief to everyone.

She has started to grab stuff - e.g. the ear of Uncle Nick's Tiger, Great Auntie Linda's rabbit (pictured below), clothes (in the video below), a plastic ball frame thing (you'll understand once you see a pic), hair and most excitingly of all, the plastic packet her baby wipes come in - it makes a great noise - you may have heard her kicking it in some previous vids. I figure we can save a lot of money on toys if she will play with her baby supplies.

She is still not ticklish. This is fascinating to me. After all, if at some stage in life we are immune to being tickled (and believe me, I've tried the soles of the feet, the armpits etc etc - maybe I need to buy a tickling stick?), then why on earth would you develop ticklishness? Seems ridiculous.

She also likes to wrap herself entirely in her knitted blanket (below). Now, my brother (I won't tell you which one to preserve his dignity) had a blanket he acquired whilst we lived in Denver. He named that blanket 'Raa' and kept it for many years until it fell apart. She loves her blanket. Could history repeat? Will she still have her blanket in 20 years time? Only time will tell.

She sucks her left thumb (although often she actually sucks her whole hand, which is less satisfying). Does this mean she is left handed? I hope not as we have only right handed scissors.


  1. Della mainly sucks her left hand - if it is a sign of handedness it'd be funny if both her and Della were left handers...

  2. the left-handed scissor makers will be salivating at the prospect. But it seems unlikely....

  3. I am puzzled by your enthusiasm to give the tiny child scissors - she will probably be very pleased, though.

  4. well, she'll probably want to make stuff, like on Blue Peter - in fact, I should probably start buying sticky-backed plastic and collecting loo rolls.
