Sunday 7 August 2011

3,000 Hits

Ok, here is the long awaited 3,000 hits post. I assume we are the first website to ever reach 3,000 hits, and not like the 28th website to reach 3,000 hits, because if we were only 28th that would not be worth celebrating.*

*this is a baseball joke, about the media fuss over Derek Jeter becoming the 28th player ever to reach 3,000 hits, which was ridiculous. After all, everyone knows the name of the first man on the moon, but who cares who the 28th man on the moon was?

Anyway, here are some hand picked classics never before seen from the extensive Bluet archive. One day they will probably have pride of place in her presidential library. So here you can once again see what Bluet used to look like, when she was young and small and sweet, as opposed to today when she is a little bit older, a little bigger, and just as sweet. To be honest she is a bit more wrinkly than I remember.

Also, from today, Bluet reading her book (she is now looking at the pictures). This is very exciting as soon we will be able to read her such children's classics as 'the giant jam sandwich', 'The Jolly Postman', 'The very hungry Caterpillar' (a presidential favourite), 'Tootles the Taxi' (a favourite of Uncle Nick), and, best of all, the re-issued complete Mr Benn

Swings, day 2

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