Friday 28 December 2012

White Christmas in the Ozarks

Technically we had a white Christmas as snowflakes fell on Christmas Day, although there was not a thick covering of snow until Boxing day, when Bluet was able to go outside and enjoy it. NB these are the Boxing day photos. Christmas Day photos to come later

Christmas 2012

Christmas 2012
Bluet and Lila look at the snow outside.

Christmas 2012
Dadn looks at Bluet and Lila looking at the snow outside
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012
Christmas 2012

Monday 24 December 2012

On the last day of Advent

Just like the Queen, Bluet has a Christmas message for everyone out there:

So we've made it through all 24 days of Advent. There will now be a brief break in postings as we will be away from fast internet for a couple of days

Happy Christmas!

Sunday 23 December 2012

Advent day 23

It has been a busy couple of days. Yesterday we hung around St Louis, where Bluet was enraptured by a Christmas tree and its decorations at the Bottleworks. Then we celebrated the birthday of Bluet's cousin Nate.

Today we left St Louis and drove to Emily's parents house. One we arrived and awoke from our naps, we went to collect pecans.

Missouri 2012 Missouri 2012 Missouri 2012 Missouri 2012 Missouri 2012 Missouri 2012 Missouri 2012 Missouri 2012

Saturday 22 December 2012

Advent Day 22

For logistical reasons Emily and I spent the night in St Louis after I flew in from NY, whilst Bluet stayed with her grandparents downstate. It seems that she had a good time looking for the moon, then drawing it, as these photos Bluet's Nana sent me show:

Untitled Untitled Untitled

Friday 21 December 2012

Advent Day 21

If this has posted it does not mean the world has ended as I set it up automatically, as today I am flying to Missouri, so might not be able to blog in the conventional manner.

So first, an observation. Bluet really only likes two songs - Call Me Maybe by Carly Rae Jepson (which is good) and Jason Mraz singing with Sesame Street (which isn't). Play either of these on the iphone, and Bluet grin, says wow, and is generally happy. Try and play anything else (even Lady Gaga) and she waits a second or two to confirm that it is not one of her favourite songs, then grabs my hand and moves it back towards the iphone to make me pick something else (i.e. one of her two songs).

More photos and stories to follow, once Bluet and I are reunited.....stay tuned to this space.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Advent Day 20

One thing that I miss when Bluet is away is that she can be very helpful around the house, especially if we need all the books removing from the shelf, then replaced back approximately in the same place. Anyway, every morning when I leave for work, she comes with me down the hall to press the button for the lift. For the next 2 days I have to do this onerous task myself.

Central Park zoo

Wednesday 19 December 2012

Advent Day 19: Moon news

Whilst walking home this evening I saw the moon had returned to the Manhattan sky. I thought that Bluet would be so happy to see it, and was excited for her out in Missouri. Unfortunately it is foggy out there right now, and apparently she has been wondering around saying "moon went bye bye".

Anyway, here is the moon as I can see it:

The moon
And also a picture I was sent of Bluet enjoying Missouri earlier today

The moon

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Advent Day 18

Today Bluet and Emily left to spend Christmas in Missouri whilst I stayed in New York. But, never fear, I am off to Missouri myself on Friday. Also, I saved up enough stuff to keep the advent blog going. So everyone wins

Here is Bluet at the airport this morning, just before I waved them off


Monday 17 December 2012

Advent Day 17

Today's advent treat is a video of Bluet from barely one hour ago. Enjoy

Sunday 16 December 2012

Advent Day 16 - the Zoo

This morning we headed to the Central Park Zoo. To be honest, the weather wasn't that nice - very drizzly, but this was good as it meant the Zoo was fairly empty. We even got to stand and watch the Sea Lions perform (and Bluet even learned to say "Sea Lion").

Here is Bluet looking for a snake
Central Park zoo

She actually really liked this blue lizard, the name of which I have temporarily forgotten. She even asked if it did the tongue thing that snakes do
Central Park zoo

She also likes the mongooses (mongeese?) - the Zoo sensibly keeps the snakes side by side with the things that eat snakes, just in case the snakes escape
Central Park zoo

Here is Bluet looking at the sea lions (and trying to lick the glass) Central Park zoo

Bluet, looking at piranahs
Central Park zoo Central Park zoo

Ok, so the thing Bluet really likes best at the Zoo isn't the animals, it's these fabric barriers they have to separate the darkened, snake and mongoose filled room from the stairs leading up to them. Bluet ran through these dividers so many times, I thought she never would stop. Eventually she did (i think when she saw the blue lizard), but we should probably hang some in our next house instead of doors, just to keep her amused.

Central Park zoo

Saturday 15 December 2012

Advent Day 15

Today was the day for the big Christmas shop*. We headed down to Bloomingdales, like all good New Yorkers. Up the escalators to the 8th floor, Bluet got to see Father Christmas. Bluet giggled with joy at the brief sight of Santa, but she missed the drama going on to the side, where a somewhat older girl was crying as she did not want to sit on his knee, and would rather have had her photo taken with an Elf.

Then we had pizza for lunch.

And after that and Bluet's nap, a trip to our old standby, Barnes and Noble. It was a little colder, so Bluet had to wear her hat. Briefly.

*Obvs most of our shopping was done over the internet.

Bloomingdales Bloomingdales Bloomingdales

Friday 14 December 2012

Advent Day 14

Today's blog is just some (exceptionally cute) photos from this morning, with digital enhancements and trickery.

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Thursday 13 December 2012

Advent day 13: Bluet's $1000 book

A warning to all the parents out there. To purchase Xmas presents for friends and relations, I find that it is useful to buy things that are tried and tested successes with Bluet. One particularly great book is "Pop Warhol's Top" which Bluet likes so much that she has 'accidentally' removed the poppable top. So I looked online for this book, and discovered it is worth $900 new or $114 second hand Clearly the only people who would pay these prices are crazy posh parents with children called Tarquin and Tamara, who probably decorate the nursery with original Warhol screen prints. And even they would only pay $900 for the book if it was already Tarquin/Tamara's favourite book, and had been mislaid during some extravagant overseas holiday.

It just goes to show that you should never let your children read or touch anything, just in case you could retire on the proceeds of selling said item in the future. Here is Bluet's 'slightly worn' copy of the $1000 book, which we will sadly not be giving anyone for Xmas:


Wednesday 12 December 2012

Advent day 12.12.12

Happy 12.12.12! A bit busy today, so here are some pics of Bluet at the Met last Sunday, picking up some culture

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