Thursday 13 December 2012

Advent day 13: Bluet's $1000 book

A warning to all the parents out there. To purchase Xmas presents for friends and relations, I find that it is useful to buy things that are tried and tested successes with Bluet. One particularly great book is "Pop Warhol's Top" which Bluet likes so much that she has 'accidentally' removed the poppable top. So I looked online for this book, and discovered it is worth $900 new or $114 second hand Clearly the only people who would pay these prices are crazy posh parents with children called Tarquin and Tamara, who probably decorate the nursery with original Warhol screen prints. And even they would only pay $900 for the book if it was already Tarquin/Tamara's favourite book, and had been mislaid during some extravagant overseas holiday.

It just goes to show that you should never let your children read or touch anything, just in case you could retire on the proceeds of selling said item in the future. Here is Bluet's 'slightly worn' copy of the $1000 book, which we will sadly not be giving anyone for Xmas:


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