Saturday 28 July 2012

Olympic fever

Bluet wore an Olympic t shirt yesterday, as you can see. She is in a truly Olympian spirit.

(if she had watched the opening ceremony, she would've been impressed and proud to be half british, and would've enjoyed all the great music, but got rather bored and fallen asleep during the parade of nations)

Sunday 22 July 2012


Bluet is getting very good at playing 'where's Bluet' as you can see. You can also hear her saying 'i see', which is very exciting.

We spent most of Saturday in the park, and it was fun as the weather was cooler. A fine family weekend.

Friday 20 July 2012

Only baby out in the drizzle

This morning we had the ancient playground to ourselves as Bluet was the only baby to brave the light drizzle. We had a fun-filled time. The other video is of Bluet talking to Grover whilst we waited for the lift. It is a couple of days old.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

Guided tour

Saturday, when the morning was still young and few others were out and about, Bluet and I found ourselves in the ancient playground. Alone, Bluet was able to run free, and go anywhere, as you can see in these videos. Afterwards, we went for Brunch with Michelle and Alan and Linnea and Astrid, and Bluet almost stole a teaspoon. Then, the Zoo, where they played in parallel.

Monday 16 July 2012

Doctors Update

Today was Bluet's 15 Month Check Up at the Doctors. She passed with flying colours. Here is Emily's report:

Bluet is doing very well - she is in the 92nd percentile for everything and
perfectly proportional. She is "advanced" because she can point to
body parts - she did her nose for the doctor. (As well as turned on the
computer before the doctor got there - she went directly to the power button
and pushed with her pointer finger.) She was a big girl about her shots
and only cried for about 30s. When I left her she was happily playing in the park.
And here are some photos from this weekend:

Friday 13 July 2012

every time someone leaves the house

Every time someone leaves the house, if only for a minute to throw out the rubbish, Bluet says "bye bye". Here it is for you to hear:

Monday 9 July 2012

Pool party

On Saturday we packed up and went on the train to a pool party on Long Island, hosted by a member of Emily's lab and her family. Who would turn down such an opportunity on what was probably the hottest day of the year? 

The house, pool, and party were all spectacular and Bluet loved being in the pool. If we hadn't kept tight hold of her hand she would've stepped right off the edge and in. She even enjoyed having her head completely under water.

The things she liked best though were some lights in the grass, which she licked as though they were ice cream cones, and some red plastic cups, all pictured below.

Thursday 5 July 2012

4th July continued

Yesterday Bluet rode on a carousel for the first time, rapt and happy. Maybe you can spot her in the photo?

She also ate a whole ice cream. I was hoping to share it with her, but I guess it was too delicious

Oh, she can also say and recognize squirrels

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Happy America Day

We are celebrating Britain's Independence from America at a wine bar under Brooklyn Bridge. Bluet is making friends with dogs and people. It is about 45C (approx). As you can see from the photos Bluet is dressed in traditional 4th July attire, red, white and blue - the colours of the Union Jack.

Sunday 1 July 2012

Hot in the city

This weekend was a scorcher! I would estimate it was at least 40C, although not too humid. Whilst we were able to go outside, simply stepping out the door resulted in a fine layer of sweat coating the whole body. Nice.

Anyway, this afternoon Bluet and I went to the ancient playground. As you can see she enjoyed the shade of a tree. After 30 mins of this, with swear running down both our faces, we headed for the air conditioned confines of Barnes and Noble. After 40 minutes or so of chasing Bluet around and stopping her from picking up other peoples mobiles or rifling through their bags, we headed home via the air conditioned supermarket. It was exhausting. But no sooner were we home than we popped out again, to Jphn Jay playground for a final runabout of the weekend.

......'BREAKING NEWS'........

Bluet has another cousin, born on June 26th. Sadly this was after we had already left Missouri, so Bluet didn't get to meet Thane Aurelius Corse yet. I also have no pictures, but you can see him here:
Congratulations to the new parents, Hamil and Sarah. 

There are also some pictures of Bluet meeting her other Missouri cousins here: