Thursday 16 August 2012

More from Missouri

Well I am glad that Emily blogged about the canoe trip as I did not take my phone with me, and therefore had no camera to take pictures - for me a successful canoe trip is measured by whether I manage to not capsize the boat; especially with Bluet riding up front, and me, with my limited experience of driving the things steering from the back.

We did not fall in, so this one was a success.

Anyway, whilst in Missouri, Bluet was reunited with her pram. We accidentally left it there last time we visited. Surprisingly she really missed it, and as soon as she saw it again she wanted to have it, even if that was inconvenient. At some points she just wanted to sit in it, and go nowhere. I think that she is used to sitting and riding in it in New York, and that time is her free time to contemplate life, away from the distractions of remembering to put one foot in front of another. Whilst at the Soy Bean Farm (the one where Emily grew up), Bluet climbed into her pram (she also mastered climbing and sitting down in chairs, even adult sized ones last week) I had to push Bluet in the pram out across a soy bean field, and she did not even want to get out. She loves it so much we took it on the canoe trip. She rode in it in the canoe, and even sat happily for ~half an hour on the gravel bar, watching the world go by, as you can see.

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