Monday 8 July 2013

The rest of America Day


So where were we? Well, after Bluet had moved her stool so that she could turn off the light all by herself, we headed off to 'Freedom over Texas', the Mayor of Houston-endorsed festival of Freedom and Texas. It certainly was an experience.

We stood for a while while Bluet looked at some people on stilts, which fascinated her. Miss Texas was also there, but we forgoed the chance to have our photos taken with her or the stilt people.


  Then Bluet sat still for about 30 seconds to watch some drumming


The best bit for Bluet was getting to eat some 'Italian Ice' (basically sorbet) which was pretty delicious (all the other food seemed to be deep fried turkey legs the size of my head, so we had to go home for dinner).

And, of course, Bluet got to eat some patriotic cake when we got home. She tends to eat cake by first eating the icing with one finger, dipping it in again and again until all the icing is gone. Then, if she is not full, she eats the cake.

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