Thursday 12 August 2021

Colorado 3: On the road to Durango

Up early the next morning, we hit the road for Durango, where we were going to spend the next two nights. On our way we spotted a waterfall off the side of the road where everyone else seemed to be stopping, so we stopped too. It was worth it. After checking out our hotel, we drove onwards to our first National Park of the trip - Mesa Verde. The national park service has instituted an excellent programme where kids can fill in a work book and get inducted as junior rangers, which means they get a rather nice badge. It's great, as it means the kids want to visit as many national parks and monuments as possible, which is exactly what the adults want too. Mesa Verde is a very interesting one - lots of old dwellings up in the mountains to look at, whole palaces even. Sadly you can't go in any of them at the moment, but it was still very cool. Then we went back to the hotel and used the swimming pool.  

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