Thursday 21 March 2013

Swimming in the water

This week we have been for the first time able to take Bluet 'swimming in the water' as she likes to put it. She finds this tremendous fun, and even doesn't mind going completely under water for up to fractions of a second at a time. She is also happy to splash around in the shallower parts of the pool, something that she also regards as 'swimming'. She even talked about going swimming this morning in the car on the way to work. I think this could be an excellent way to keep us all entertained after work and before Bluet has to go to bed. She'll be diving into the pool in her pyjamas to rescue a brick in no time.

So here are some photos of us playing in the water yesterday, note palm trees in the background. With apologies to anyone suffering from the snow in the UK - but remember the temperature in Texas reaches about 45C with 150% humidity for most of the rest of the year until December, so don't be too jealous.







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