Sunday 24 July 2011

Bluet is Officially a Thumbsucker

It says on wikipedia some people put hot sauce on their children's thumbs (or even attached spikes to the teeth!) to prevent thumb sucking.

We won't be doing that - Bluet is toothless, and invisible teeth are not affected by the practice. Which is fortunate as It looks sweet and keeps her happy.

As you will see, it is difficult to capture the thumb-suck in pictorial form, as the thumb says in the mouth for a nanosecond at a time.

Also, a bonus picture of Bluet enraptured by the monkey in her Jungle Gym - she only spotted him this week, although he's always been there.


  1. I can't believe it. We have the same Jungle Gym!! Della likes to kick the elephant when it is hanging from the giraffe!

  2. it's terrific - if we want to put her down and she needs entertaining it works every time - at first she just liked to kick, but now she stares at all the animals above, and we haven't even put the batteries in!

  3. Put the batteries in. The jungle sounds of frogs and waterfalls makes Della nap away every time - and me to be honest!
