Sunday 10 July 2011

Some things

Hello, I hope you are all having a lovely Sunday. We are - Bluet is sleeping, Emily is running and I am writing this. So some updates: Bluet is now able to smile at you in response to your smile (although for some unknown reason, she prefers to smile at Mum rather than Dad - it took ages for me to get my first smile this morning whereas Emily had hers within seconds). She is also rapidly outgrowing her clothes so yesterday (for the first time) we actually went and bought her some; we haven't bought anything up to now not because we don't dress her (although numerous photos here may give the impression she usually wears just nappies)
but because everyone has been very generous in donating small items of clothing.

This video features some of those generously gifted clothes:

She is also almost giggling, almost reading books, and very interested in Zebras. And she does some form of baby pilates every time we lay her on the floor. Videos will hopefully be forthcoming, but she isn't great at performing on cue - the vid below was supposed to be her exercising, but instead turned into a sneeze - never work with kids or animals, eh?

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