Friday 22 July 2011

Bluet's New Friend

Every day, somewhere 'twix special play time and bath time, we take a minute for Bluet to greet her friend Teulb. The two of them are exactly the same age and seem to be totally in synch - particularly, when Teulb smiles Bluet smiles, and one time they even spat up at the same time. And yesterday, Bluet reached out to touch Teulb, and Teulb to touch Bluet - it really was quite sweet. Sadly, Teulb lives in the mirror, so the two of them are unlikely to ever really hang out. Strangely she is more interested in Teulb than any real babies she ever met. So every day it seems a good idea to let Bluet smile at Teulb, and Teulb smile at Bluet.

Then to the bath, and once all areas are cleaned and dried, Bluet gets her bedtime story. We started with 'Brown Bear Brown Bear', although I secretly think she's probably already ready for Harry Potter.

In unrelated news, Bluet appears to have discovered her thumb, and has started to suck it. It seems surprising to me as it looks too small to be satisfying, but it is very sweet. Stay tuned to this space for a photograph or two over the weekend.

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