Saturday 30 July 2011

Apropos of Nothing

It's been a busy morning. Bluet spent half an hour talking to her Gran in the UK on skype - this is the longest she's managed so far (and probably about 6 times the previous record). Now she's sleeping, and as we gear up for some more activities (because she enjoys a lot of stimulation these days), we can take a moment to reflect on recent developments in her development. 

So, as illustration, some pictures of Bluet in the park from earlier this week. In the last few days, Bluet has started to realise she can change the world around her (at least if that aspect of the world involves a blanket). This can be seen in figure 1. If there was sound and movement, you'd be able to hear some talking in figure 2.

Figure 1 - Bluet learns to change the world around her

Figure 2: Bluet does some talking
PS don't forget, at 3,000 visitors there will be a special surprise. Probably something like this:

Friday 29 July 2011

Afternoon Activities

Every afternoon, once Emily gets home, Bluet takes a minute or two to play on her changing mat. This is a special time of day for everyone. First, she looks at the book of faces hanging above her bed, then, with a smile she....well, I don't want to spoil the rest of the film for you (in case there is a twist at the end). Then., it's off to the park (not included in video). Enjoy.

Wednesday 27 July 2011


Bluet, this morning, just before the Nanny arrived to feed and look after her, sitting upright on the sofa, then falling over. There are some cheeky smiles along the way.


Tuesday 26 July 2011

In which Ben is left holding the baby, and Bluet tries to eat her hand

Tonight I came home early so Emily could head out to purchase important supplies. Whilst amusing Bluet, I attempted to capture footage of her laughing. Two days ago, all you had to say was 'Gee' and she would giggle away, as if this were the funniest joke ever told. But apparently even babies tire of jokes, no matter how sophisticated, so we need to think of something else hilarious to a baby (suggestions welcome).

Until then, here is a video of Bluet talking (a little) then eating her hand (Spoiler Alert). It is almost as good as laughing.

PS I also discovered a previously undiscovered treasure trove of previously unseen pictures - so when we reach 3,000 visits, I'll dig some out. They have to be SEEN TO BE BELIEVED!

Sunday 24 July 2011

Bluet is Officially a Thumbsucker

It says on wikipedia some people put hot sauce on their children's thumbs (or even attached spikes to the teeth!) to prevent thumb sucking.

We won't be doing that - Bluet is toothless, and invisible teeth are not affected by the practice. Which is fortunate as It looks sweet and keeps her happy.

As you will see, it is difficult to capture the thumb-suck in pictorial form, as the thumb says in the mouth for a nanosecond at a time.

Also, a bonus picture of Bluet enraptured by the monkey in her Jungle Gym - she only spotted him this week, although he's always been there.

Friday 22 July 2011

Bluet's New Friend

Every day, somewhere 'twix special play time and bath time, we take a minute for Bluet to greet her friend Teulb. The two of them are exactly the same age and seem to be totally in synch - particularly, when Teulb smiles Bluet smiles, and one time they even spat up at the same time. And yesterday, Bluet reached out to touch Teulb, and Teulb to touch Bluet - it really was quite sweet. Sadly, Teulb lives in the mirror, so the two of them are unlikely to ever really hang out. Strangely she is more interested in Teulb than any real babies she ever met. So every day it seems a good idea to let Bluet smile at Teulb, and Teulb smile at Bluet.

Then to the bath, and once all areas are cleaned and dried, Bluet gets her bedtime story. We started with 'Brown Bear Brown Bear', although I secretly think she's probably already ready for Harry Potter.

In unrelated news, Bluet appears to have discovered her thumb, and has started to suck it. It seems surprising to me as it looks too small to be satisfying, but it is very sweet. Stay tuned to this space for a photograph or two over the weekend.

Tuesday 19 July 2011

3 Month Birthday

Goodness me, is it really 3 months (or one quarter of a year) since Bluet was born? It seems that it was no time at all, and at the same time that she has been around forever. She can now sleep for 11 hours at night, is losing her beautiful baby hair (although surely more is on the way), watch us eat dinner from her high chair (for about 2 minutes), be read to (for about 2 minutes), watch TV (for hours, if last night is anything to go by - NB this was an accidental discovery), smile at us, and almost laugh. She can also amuse herself when laid on the floor, which is nice.

Here are some pictures from the weekend - at PQ for breakfast in the park with Michelle and Allan and their two (two!) babies.

Saturday 16 July 2011

Dance to the music

This week we introduced 'special play time'. For a while now Bluet's playmat has been placed in front of my records, and she's become fascinated with their spines, presumably because of all the pretty colours. So this week, after dinner, whilst Emily was in the shower, I decided to demonstrate the magic of the record. First I showed her that there was a black disc inside every sleeve, then, I showed her how music was magically encoded into the grooves by placing the record on the turntable. She went wild. Clearly, this is special playtime for both me and Bluet, as I get to teach her about some classic records, and she gets to dance. Looks like she has a great sense of rhythm to me. Check it out.

Before, with the tiger from Uncle Nick
And now, the all singing, all dancing video:

Let us know in the comments which song you'd like to see her boogie to next.

Sunday 10 July 2011

A family Sunday in the park

We went to the park this afternoon to read our books whilst Bluet slept. Unfortunately she had other ideas, although there was just enough time to catch up on the news (of the world). Still, she did look very sweet.

What Bluet likes to look at. Maybe she'll be a botanist

Temporary thing

Inspired by this,

I just worked out how to create this from all the photos posted on this blog so far

When I have time, I'll do this with all the baby photos. Millions of them. Some never before seen.

Some things

Hello, I hope you are all having a lovely Sunday. We are - Bluet is sleeping, Emily is running and I am writing this. So some updates: Bluet is now able to smile at you in response to your smile (although for some unknown reason, she prefers to smile at Mum rather than Dad - it took ages for me to get my first smile this morning whereas Emily had hers within seconds). She is also rapidly outgrowing her clothes so yesterday (for the first time) we actually went and bought her some; we haven't bought anything up to now not because we don't dress her (although numerous photos here may give the impression she usually wears just nappies)
but because everyone has been very generous in donating small items of clothing.

This video features some of those generously gifted clothes:

She is also almost giggling, almost reading books, and very interested in Zebras. And she does some form of baby pilates every time we lay her on the floor. Videos will hopefully be forthcoming, but she isn't great at performing on cue - the vid below was supposed to be her exercising, but instead turned into a sneeze - never work with kids or animals, eh?

Monday 4 July 2011

Happy America Day!

Elvis Sneer perfected
What better way to celebrate our 50% American baby's first America day than dressing her in the stars and stripes and heading to the hot dog eating contest on Coney Island?

Instead, we are going to relax and read our books this morning (whilst Bluet is considerately sleeping) then we are going to enjoy this National holiday by going for a picnic in the park this afternoon. Maybe we'll catch some fireworks on the way home?

Here are some of the latest videos and pics of Bluet playing for your delectation. Taken yesterday, so almost hot off the press. I think they include footage of smiling and sneezing.

Bluet is already thinking about reading

Saturday 2 July 2011

How time flies - No Jacket Required

A sign of progress, Bluet needs neither straightjacket nor dummy to sleep any more - looks like she has those hands under control. Actually, they now even seem to comfort her (a bit) whilst she is going to sleep. And just for fun, these are the songs we sing as she goes to sleep: me (because there apparently aren't that many songs where I know all the words) Emily (because, randomly).

Look Mum, no blanket

Friday 1 July 2011

More Garden Pics; Where Bluet has her first handshake

Soon, I shall crawl

Recommended for use as computer wallpaper

The first of a million handshakes; Caroline is def more into it
All photos are by Steve. These are not low quality iPhone pics